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尽管这个市场看起来很繁荣, streaming viewers are no longer satisfied with what’s on offer: according to our latest consumer survey, nearly half* (46%) of streaming service viewers believe they are not getting good value from their subscriptions. At a time when there has never been more streaming content available, this suggests a new approach is needed for streaming companies to maintain and grow their audiences. The unique benefits of Direct-to-consumer (D2C) business models may be the key to winning back audiences no longer satisfied with the subscription models that have dominated the industry in recent years.  


One of the most common problems reported among streaming viewers is their challenge in finding things to watch. The answer is to maintain a diverse content volume and craft a tailored offering that caters to specific customer profiles. It’s essential to accommodate differences in what customers are looking for; these factors range from different tastes in content to pricing and advertising models. Many pain points can be solved simply by increasing the range of available options.

音乐爱好者, 例如, 今天的流媒体服务服务不足吗, whereas 67% of superhero fans* say they receive good or fantastic value from streaming. 全面解决方案, 比如增加更多的内容或降低成本, will miss the opportunity to target pain points specific to certain customer profiles but not others. A D2C approach that addresses specific gaps in content offerings (such as musicals, 纪录片, and independent films) is more cost-effective from a business perspective and more rewarding for the paying customer.


The 免费的 Advertising-supported Streaming Television (FAST) phenomenon has recently dominated the streaming industry. Now that the dust has settled on this breakthrough innovation, it’s time to assess FAST through the lens of customer profiling and D2C offering. As with content offerings, FAST is not all things to all viewers. Baby Boomers are more open to having three ad breaks an hour* (44%) than Millennials (32%), 这告诉我们这么快, 尽管近年来取得了巨大的成功, 难道不是一个放之四海而皆准的解决方案吗. FAST isn’t going anywhere, but a D2C approach will get the most out of FAST channels going forward.

作为FAST产品的进一步改进, targeted advertising applies the principle of D2C business models to provide viewers with highly relevant ads. 56% of streaming subscribers* reported being more willing to watch FAST services if the ads were “highly relevant” to them. With FAST becoming commonplace in today’s business models, media companies will seek a competitive edge by building their FAST offerings around clearly defined demographics and preferences.


Apart from the growth and engagement opportunities that come with D2C, there is also the consideration of preventing churn. 今天的观众对成本的担忧是可以理解的, with 66%* reporting that they would try a new service because it is cheap. 这个事实, 加上消费者满意度较低, 这使得媒体公司面临巨大的流失风险. If audiences do not feel they are being well provided for, they will look elsewhere. The best defense is to build a service that cultivates a loyal following, and the first step to do this is to understand the highly personal tastes of your customers.

*下载我们的 流媒体市场调查报告 for a full overview of the challenges and opportunities in today’s streaming market.

[编者注:这是来自 Bitcentral. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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